Brendan Parent
Legal Fellow
NY Task Force on Life and the Law
previous staff associate
Center for Genetics and Society
New York
United States

Brendan Parent was the first to design a major in Bioethics at UC Santa Cruz, exploring ethical issues in genetic engineering, national security, health care, medicine and animal research, which culminated with a pharmacogenomics research project at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. As an extern in the department of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health he researched legal and ethical issues in genetic privacy and research subject consent form adequacy. As a litigation intern at the Humane Society of the United States he helped draft enforcement complaints regarding consumer protection and animal care violations. As a staff associate with the Center for Genetics and Society he helped coordinate, moderate, and present at the first two annual Tarrytown Meetings. He received his JD from Georgetown Law in May 2012, where he was President of the Society for Health Law and Bioethics and received the ABA/BNA award for excellence in health law. He is currently the legal fellow at the NY Task Force on Life and the Law where he contributes to biotech and health law policy recommendations for New York state.

Sessions I'm Associated With


Tuesday 26 July 2011: 8:00pm - 9:10pm
Wednesday 27 July 2011: 9:00am - 10:20am


Wednesday 28 July 2010: 4:30pm - 3:00pm