Rosario Isasi
Senior Research Associate
McGill University
(514) 398-6454

Rosario Isasi is currently a Senior Research Associate at the Centre of Genomics and Policy, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Human Genetics at McGill University. Her research interests intersect public health, ethics, law and science. She has particular expertise in the area of comparative law and international governance issues surrounding regenerative medicine and stem cell research. She has published in Science, Human Reproduction, Cell Stem Cell, Stem Cell Research, AJLM, JLME among other journals.

Closely related to her academic work is her role as a policy adviser to government, professional and international bodies, such as the United Nations, where she played an active role in the adoption of the UN Declaration on Human Cloning. Most recently, she has contributed to the Bioethics Education Project of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Rosario Isasi is the Academic Secretary of the International Stem Cell Forum Ethics Working Party and a member of the Hinxton Group, an international Consortium on Stem Cells, Ethics and Law. She is also a member of the Legal and Human Rights Advisory Board of the Genetics Policy Institute; and member of the advisory board of Global Lawyers and Physicians, a transnational professional association of lawyers and physicians working together to promote human rights and health.

She holds her J.D. from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, where she practiced corporate and health law. She received her Masters of Public Health from Boston University, USA.

Sessions I'm Associated With


Wednesday 28 July 2010: 9:40am - 10:20am
Wednesday 28 July 2010: 2:45pm - 5:15pm