Gerald Schatz is a lawyer, ethicist, and policy analyst, with a background in biomedical ethics, public ethics, science policy, and domestic and international public law. His teaching and research are in interrelationships of ethics, medicine, biomedical and behavioral research, and law, especially in the protection of human subjects of research. He writes on protection of human subjects of research, on medical and research confidentiality, and on clinical ethics.
He is retired from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences, where he developed and taught interdisciplinary medicine and law courses in Clinical Ethics Consultation, in U.S. Law and Ethics of Human Subjects Research, and in International Law and Ethics of Human Subjects Research. He is an affiliated scholar of the Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University Medical Center.
Selected Publications
· Ethical Lawyering in the Protection of Human Subjects of Behavioral and Biomedical Research. 13 Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law 151-156 (2009).
· Introductory Note to World Health Organization: Revision of the International Health Regulations, 44 International Legal Materials 1011 (2005).
· International Law and Biomedical Ethics, published as Diritto internazionale e bioetica (Giovanni Russo, trans.) In: Russo G, ed. Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Sessuologia. (Elledici – CIC Edizioni Internazionali Leumann – Roma 2004): 660.
· Are the Rationale and Regulatory System for Protecting Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Obsolete and Unworkable, or Ethically Important but Inconvenient and Inadequately Enforced? 20 Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 1-31 (2003).
Selected Achievements/Awards
· Corresponding editor for bioethics, health, and medicine: International Legal Materials, American Society of International Law
· Judge, International Rounds, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
· Friends of the Jessup 2010 Pamela M. Young Award
· Board of Directors, Citizens for Responsible Care and Research
Citizens for Responsible Care and Research, Inc. (CIRCARE) is the oldest human research protection organization in the United States and is entirely independent. We advocate conscionable research and are dedicated to responsible medicine and effective protection of human subjects in behavioral
and biomedical research.