Katayoun Chamany
The New School
New York
United States
Born in Iran, raised in Iowa, and trained as a geneticist and cell biologist, Katayoun finds the study of biological processes fascinating. For over a decade she has been conducting research to better understand why some students share her love for biology, while others recoil from the subject. Part of her work suggests that biology courses must be contextualized and made relevant, especially for those students who don’t initially see biology as important to their everyday experiences. To promote this education reform, she has developed seminars, workshops and educational materials that reflect an interactive and case-based method of teaching and learning. She firmly believes that biology is accessible and relevant to everyone, and that a basic understanding of biology it important for contributive members of society. She got her BA in Biology from the University of Iowa and her PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California at Berkeley.

Her research interests include: Curriculum development and student learning outcomes assessment; the role of motivation and interest in student learning of biology; stem cell research; the ethics of oocyte donation; public perception and understanding of new biotechnologies and reproductive technologies (ART, PGD, Genetic testing); standard of care and informed consent; HPV and its associated diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines; indigenous knowledge and resources as they related to benefit sharing; health as a human right.

Sessions I'm Associated With


Tuesday 24 July 2012: 4:10pm - 5:40pm